Teaching New Media & Entrepreneurialism at University of Texas at Austin
When teaching a course containing 300+ students your content is king. Compared to long-form text and outdated examples, there’s nothing more captivating than short, relevant videos. So, how is this visionary University of Texas professor using video cases?
Mark Bunting, a highly-rated adjunct professor at The University of Texas at Austin, integrated G51EDU video cases into his course to better engage his extremely large classes. When asked how Bunting used the G51EDU case studies in his curriculum he shared:
“I have benefited from using the G51 cases as a programmatic supplement to my existing ‘speaker series’ formatted content. Our guest entrepreneurs generally share in a very organic manner and I encourage them to go “off the cuff” to ensure the realism of their feedback. The G51 case studies provide a rich body of content that helps model the primary areas of consideration for entrepreneurs; from Problem to solution, an understanding of the market and the accompanying business model (even competition analysis and team-building insights)…
[The cases offer] a nice contrast in the structured approach and rigor it provides around framing up a new opportunity and subsequent enterprise. The application of their coursework juxtaposed with real-life cases is a way to provide a full-circle view of the challenges and opportunities of start-ups.”
In order to expose his undergraduate students to the world of entrepreneurship, Bunting chose to captivate student attention through video-based cases. He believes “…the simple “show and tell” approach of seeing real-life entrepreneurs and learning directly from their success (and more importantly – their failures)” has benefitted his students greatly. So, when asked who he might recommend G51EDU video cases to, Bunting responded:
“I would recommend the G51 materials to anyone who is chartered with incorporating entrepreneurship within an existing body of curriculum. Whether arts, physical sciences, law or a communications course – if introducing the tenants of entrepreneurialism is a desire (or a mandate) – G51 is ready-made as a supplemental plug-in. You can also use the cases as introductory materials for the beginner or use the cases for a deeper dive in a myriad of relevant subjects. So the content will scale in depth depending on the application of accompanying materials.”
Curious about how G51EDU can enhance your lessons and student engagement?
Professor Mark Bunting
First Use
Class size
cases used