Lights. Camera. Education!


Picture learning about the impacts of altitude on geology from a professor who’s demonstrating such effects on the Sierra Nevada. Now picture a professor in a car on the Autobahn discussing drag and friction. Now imagine reading about the same concepts from a traditional textbook probably using outdated examples.

Which scenario sounds like a more engaging learning experience?

We’ve been hearing a lot of talk on teaching with video, so we decided to explore the trend. After scouring peer-reviewed studies and personally administering over 400 student surveys, this is what we learned:


of students prefer video over traditional text-based cases and textbooks

Traditional text books are heavy on black ink, and light on the engagement side of education. Students these days spend their time behind screens whether it be streaming Netflix or scrolling Instagram, they’re constantly stimulated by videos and images. If one can use the same type of video technology to cover the same classroom concepts, you’ll surely see a happier, more engaged audience.


of students were motivated to work at their highest level

If students can see, hear and visualize the topic they’re studying it becomes more real. Since the advent of video streaming, it’s much easier and more efficient to produce content that’s current. When such up-to-date examples are discussed in video-based teaching resources, students can better relate to subject matter as they can much easier make the connection from lecture to real life.


of students saw an increase in critical thinking when learning with video.

When students are presented with real stories highlighting real scenarios from the real world they are better able to form judgement as these once distant stories suddenly become real. By using video you can showcase a variety of perspectives that live outside your classroom and half way around the world, suddenly breaking down the physical barriers education. These differing perspectives, situations, cultures, geographies, etc., will help your students better formulate judgement on their own.


Historically, media planning and acquisition involved substantial work and resources, making teaching with video burdensome. However, with the advent of video streaming there’s no need to wheel in the giant TV and VHS player. Teaching with video is a completely different case than what it has been and students crave more of it in their education.

What are some of the more common types of videos are professors using?

TED talks, Video Cases, and Youtube clips.

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