Accelerated Ventures
ENT 4321
Course Overview
Phases: The composition of course assignments and activities will follow 5 phases:
1. Foundational: Identification of entrepreneurial motivations & competencies
2. Ideation: Identifying and validating solutions to problems
3. Planning: Analyzing the market and building viable business models
4. Execution: Building a balanced team and understanding the competitive landscape
5. Exit: Developing valuation strategies and exit options
The course is designed to achieve the objectives listed below.
Specific Skills and Knowledge:
• Identify and differentiate between existing problems and new market opportunities.
• Identify characteristics of a customer problem and composing a problem statement.
• Identify and distinguish between key characteristics of a solution.
• Identify key market sizing metrics and calculate market growth.
• Identify key characteristics of market opportunities.
• Define and identify key components of a business model.
• Identify key personality traits and key elements of successful new venture team.
• Identify and differentiate between different types of competition.
• Develop a competitive matrix and quadrants